Grading Procedures and Policies for Bunnell High School Latin.

Mr. Dylan Connor





Mastery Based Grading in Latin:




Reading (30%) – Translation/ interpretation of passages from Latin to English.


Writing (30%) - Writing/translating from English to Latin.


Listening (10%) - Listening to Latin and interpreting what was said by the speaker.


Speaking (10%) - Conversational Latin and correct pronunciation.


Culture/Content (20%) - Daily Life in the Roman Empire/ Work Habits


Classroom Expectations: I expect that all students will:

  1. Follow all school rules of the classroom.
  2. Come prepared each day with a blue or black pen, a red pen, a multi-subject notebook, and the Cambridge Latin text.
  3. Treat each other with kindness, respect and dignity.
  4. Complete all assignments on time.
  5. Actively and respectfully listen when anyone else is speaking.